ALL ANIMALS BELONG TO GOD our Heavenly Father, the Creator. They have God given instincts and are able to think, feel & relate to other animals & human beings who are meant to name them & be their caretakers, not their abusers. The worst sin against animals is to calously kill & eat their flesh & organs. It is violent, macabre & not peaceful ,spiritual or enlightening & may lead to disease & cancer etc. God did not tell Adam & Eve to eat animal flesh. In the Book of the prophet Enoch it was the fallen angels who later came & promoted that behavior & mankind became so corrupt God drowned all but righteous Noah & his family. Noah was related to Enoch! The Lord has told me in Feb. 2016 that "Abattoirs are not good places but horrible" and that "mankind was meant to eat the produce of the land- that which the sun and rain fall upon" So let us move on in God's Light of truth from this dark & godless behavior of the cruel heathens & pray "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Nothing dies in heaven. Animals are not eaten there but live in joy and freedom with those who Love God and His Son and "pets" are united with their grieving human owners... for True Love never dies. "God is Love" "Thou shalt not kill". Holy Spirit filled Christians ought to show MERCY and COMPASSION to all people and all animals as a way to show their Love for God. Let us do what we can to aleviate the endless suffering and bloodshed on earth, NOT MAKE IT WORSE. Please take meat out of your diet. Make your home a Heavenly haven & safe refuge for your family & all who come including precious animals who can live without fear of abuse. They are so trusting, ask so little yet give us so much effection, company, healing & even protection. (If you cannot understand & don't agree with this view then please don't bother commenting thanks, unless you want to ask a Q. At least pray about it and come back later. OK?) God bless, Susan.

Monday 22 February 2016

Do Animals pray to God? Are you compelled to help them?

The need is far greater than the help... but God bless all those who do try to help animals who have been cruelly treated and abused, cast off as a thing, a burden, a pest, or are just plain lost with no one claiming them!
Do something to ease the injustice and suffering in this world. Adopt a cat or dog. Every town and city has pounds and possibly refuges and shelters run by volunteers.
Look at this precious face... made by our Father in Heaven. Well who says they don't have souls and can't pray? Mhhh. I know it and I know those who kill animals without mercy will face God's judgement.
There is no need to hurt or eat them. We are to show all beings, humans and animals... mercy and compassion. God said to Adam and Eve to tend the Garden of Eden and to name and be the animals'  "Caretakers".
More posts on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/psalmist.susan
OR see my Pinterest site https://www.pinterest.com/BrideofMessiah/
This board shows hundreds of photos and some videos about animal rights, cruelty, puppy mills, circus animals, game hunters, abattoirs, testing laboratories etc. WARNING it is hard to bear but please open your eyes and heart to the plight and needless blood shed of billions of suffering animals, not just in China, India, Taiwan, Korea and other pagan places but in Westernized countries too. Even women and children are callously miss treating these dear beings who are capable of such affection and loyalty to us. https://www.pinterest.com/BrideofMessiah/animal-cruelty-rights-abuse-dog-meat-puppy-farms-r/

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